Orquesta Sinfónica Iuventas at Runnymede College 2025

LA MORALEJA. Runnymede College - Veure mapa
29/03/2025 18:00
Organitzat per RUNNYMEDE COLLEGE, S.A.

Compra les teves entrades


15,00 €

Children (below 10 years) and Over 65s

10,00 €
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
0,00 €
0,00 €

descripció de l'esdeveniment

In the second collaboration between Orquesta Sinfónica Iuventas and the pupils of Runnymede College, this year's concert will take place in aid of Fundación Runnymede College.  

This year's programme will feature a balance of classical favourites, film scores and rock anthems, featuring many talented instrumentalists from both the Prep School and Senior School of Runnymede College.

The concert will take place in the Julia Powell Sports Hall & Auditorium, beginning at 6pm on Saturday, 29th March.

This programme is family friendly, and the attendance of all ages is welcomed. We do ask that young children are accompanied, and that they remain in their seats during the performance.

A playlist of items to be included in the programme can be found here.

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