Terra Livre 4 Dance Festival Winter Edition 2-3-4 Febr 2024

Sala Cachet - 2-3-4 FEB 2024. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Spain (España) - Karte ansehen
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Terra Livre Dance Festival 4 Winter Edition

2-3-4 Febrero 2024

In Sala Cachet - Talavera de la Reina, España


If you buy your blind ticket now you get a special discount. Only until 18th September 2023.

Rolerotation - Leader - Follower: Your choice.

*The date on the ticket represents the time frame where the ticket was bought and its price from that time. The festival takes place on the 2-3-4 February 2024.


In diesem Fall hat der Veranstalter keine Altersbeschränkung festgelegt, wenn Du dennoch Zweifel hast setze Dich gerne mit dem Veranstalter direkt in Verbindung.


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