An Improvised Life: Improv Comedy Show • ENG

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 - See map
5/04/2025 22:00
Brought to you by BIG Improv

Select your tickets

General tickets

9,80 €
Thank you for understanding that we (just like larger theatres, cinemas, festivals, etc.) cannot offer refunds. You may of course gift or on-sell your tickets to a friend or family member! The bar opens at 7:30pm and the show starts promptly at 8:00pm. Please note that the seats are not reserved or numbered, so be sure to arrive early to pick your spot. Last entry to the theatre is at 8:15pm and in case of arrival after this time, tickets will be forfeited.
Final price, management fees included.
0,00 €
0,00 €

Event details

*This event is in English*

What makes a person; what makes a life? And why are we seeing a show about it? Through audience suggestions Anděl Sudik will create a character and perform their “soul-bearing” solo show using storytelling, character work, clowning and movement. Whether you love to love solo shows or love to hate them, this will be a show you can only experience in the room. It will be both a love letter and a send up of solo theater, humanity and improvisation. "Truly fearless" - Miami Improv Festival

9.30pm Doors & Bar open
10.00pm Show Starts

10€ online presale
12€ on the door
*30% discount for current students of BIG!

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.
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