House Concert Valentine's Edition - At an Art Gallery

Paraiso Prints. Calle Mayor 38, Javea - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Chameleon Concerts
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Experience an evening filled with heartfelt, original songs performed by three musician couples. 

Immerse yourself in a world of music, candlelight, and hand-crafted art and ceramics inside a stylish art gallery in Javea Old Town.

Jack & Daisy (UK)

Jack and Daisy are a British indie singer-songwriter duo. Their close harmonies have been likened to Simon & Garfunkel and lauded by modern day stars such as Passenger. Inspired by a wide range of songwriters from Bob Dylan to Damien Rice, their own songs encapsulate the conventional sound of folk with the contemporary indie style.

Sealskin & Zitrovision (Russia/Puerto Rico)

Sealskin & Zitrovision is a music duo that showcases soulful singing and handpan music which blends percussion, harmonics, melodies, and rhythm. Their music fuses sounds of ancient times with shamanic elements, light language, and ethereal instruments. 

Jai & Anya (Australia/Austria)

Jai and Anya will perform a collection of original love songs. Their duet of steel string and classical guitar melts together in a warm, melodic embrace, while Jai's passionate voice and touching lyrics deliver the heart of the song. 

Tickets are limited so please get yours soon.

For questions please message Anya: +34 676925870


Disfruta de una velada llena de canciones originales y sentidas interpretadas por tres parejas de músicos.

Sumérgete en un mundo de música, luz de velas, arte y cerámica hechos a mano en una elegante galería de arte en el casco antiguo de Jávea.

Jack & Daisy (Reino Unido)

Jack y Daisy son un dúo británico de cantautores indie. Sus armonías cercanas han sido comparadas con las de Simon & Garfunkel y alabadas por estrellas modernas como Passenger. Inspiradas en una amplia gama de compositores, desde Bob Dylan hasta Damien Rice, sus propias canciones encapsulan el sonido convencional del folk con el estilo indie contemporáneo.

Sealskin & Zitrovision (Rusia/Puerto Rico)

Sealskin & Zitrovision es un dúo musical que muestra cantos conmovedores y música handpan que combina percusión, armónicos, melodías y ritmo. Su música fusiona sonidos de tiempos antiguos con elementos chamánicos, lenguaje de luz e instrumentos etéreos.

Jai & Anya (Australia/Austria)

Jai y Anya interpretarán una colección de canciones de amor originales. Su dúo de guitarra clásica y de cuerdas de acero se fusiona en un cálido y melódico abrazo, mientras la apasionada voz de Jai y sus conmovedoras letras transmiten el corazón de la canción.

Las entradas son limitadas, así que consigue la tuya pronto.

Si tienes alguna pregunta, envía un mensaje a Anya: +34 676925870

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Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.



magic sound of love on valentine's day
a voice, an instrument, artistic vibes in the air, hand in hand with my girlfriend...real valentine feeling. Thank you.
Marc 2025/02/14 egunean joan zen
Great night of wonderful by all three groups
Best night of music we have experienced in a long time. The best feature was that the artiste played their own music. Hungry for more.
Jim And Marian Short 2025/02/14 egunean joan zen
Another fantastic eclectic mix of music styles, hosted by Jai Larkin. These concerts are a really different mix of highly skilled musicians who are all very talented song smiths playing their own material. Highly recommended music events
Music Lover 2025/02/14 egunean joan zen
The event provided a good mix of artists in a very intimate space. The number / length of the performances was just right for this type of event. It would have been nice to buy drinks, but I understand it might not be possible. Overall, we loved event and support your goal to run more events. Bravo
Neil 2025/02/14 egunean joan zen
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