Visita al Castell de Santueri (Felanitx)

Puig de Santueri. Castell de Santueri - Mapa ikusi
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Come explore the fascinating ruins of Santueri Castle in Felanitx, Mallorca! On this visit you will be able to discover the history and beauty of this impressive castle located at the top of the mountain. Enjoy the incredible panoramic views and immerse yourself in the island's past as you stroll along its ancient walls and towers.

Ticket valid for the whole day between 10:30 and 17:30.

Free for children under 12 years old

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Ekitaldi honek ez du murrizketarik adingabekoentzat.


Vistas 360grados un lugar muy hermoso
Karla Herrera 2024/09/30 egunean joan zen
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