Harmony Fusion Dance Weekend

Stara Kolonia. Poreba wielka 293 - Ver mapa
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Organizado por Marcin Wosinek

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Descrição do evento

Harmony Fusion Dance Weekend

3 days of dance, nature and connection.

This cozy weekend event will take place on 2-5 August 2024 in Poręba Wielka, Poland. The location is approx. 60 km from Cracow (1h journey), with its well-connected airport Balice and is accessible by public transport. If you are coming from far away, this event is perfect to combine with visiting the famous historical city of Cracow.

Join us to enjoy three days of dancing, connections and relaxing in the beautiful Polish mountains. This is an all-inclusive weekend in a comfortable hostel offering small rooms with private bathrooms. You will be able to fully enjoy all of the activities and not worry about preparing meals or doing the dishes. The hostel is located 200m from the entrance to the Gorce National Park and 50m from Gorce thermal pools.

The small size of the group and a program leaving space for semi-formal skills exchanges, relaxed time and nature exploration will guarantee a familiar ambience.

The price includes

  • 3 open-level dance workshops,
  • 3 social dance evenings with music played by DJs from across Europe,
  • 3 nights in a hostel,
  • 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner),

Time dedicated to relaxed activities such as a walk in the Gorce National Park, a picnic with social dancing.

Important info:

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